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Goldisc Profiling


Personality Profiling for Business

Profiling for Business & Coaching

D.I.S.C. Personality profiling for Business helps organisations develop staff and teams by Recruiting the right people first time, Developing and integrating employees, Building balanced teams, with people placed according to their attributes and trained in effective understanding of personalities.

We achieve this through self-administered profiles, reports, resources and courses, through Goldisc trainers or a combination of the two.

Assessments for recruitment, staff and team development are available in paper and online formats, aiding organisations to get the best out of their human resources. Internet DISC profile reports can be compared with job descriptions for instant, objective short listing. Candidate characteristics, motivational needs and personality based interview questions assist HR recruiters in making informed decisions, helping to avoid expensive severance and repeat recruiting costs.

Businesses and employees benefit when workers are developed to their full potential. Energy, creativity and team synergy increases when staff are trained and placed to capitalise on their respective strengths. Goldisc can assist in identify training needs, promotion suitability, stressed and misplaced employees, to boost morale, productivity and attendance, encouraging long-term enthusiastic commitment.

Recruiting, Developing and Building the right people in the right places.

Goldisc is an Authorised Agent for PeopleKeys/The Institute for Motivational Living, one of the largest publishers of D.I.S.C. Profiles, Courses, Resources, Reports and IML DISCInsights™, Peoplekeys®, MinistryKeys™ online personality style profiling assessments for recruiting, training and retaining employees and staff in Business and Ministry. This includes Peoplekeys® HR Training, job position benchmarks, Consultations & Team building. StudentKeys™ internet Report and paper workbook series, help students flourish in college, career and life. Careerkeys® for Teenagers and adults starting, changing and restarting careers.

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