DISC Personality Online/Paper Profiling · D.I.S.C Self-Study Certification Courses · Profile Assessment Reports · Seminars · Institute for Motivational Living/PeopleKeys®
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Goldisc Profiling


DISC Assessment Terms of Use

The personality profile assessments from The Institute for Motivational Living (IML) are designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter, providing insights into normal behaviour, based on the responses given. They are distributed with the understanding that neither IML, nor Goldisc Limited are engaged in rendering professional psychological services. The assessments do not measure sexual deviance, psychotic conditions, violent tendencies or political opinions and cannot be used in identifying these conditions or to predict any associated behaviours. If expert assistance is required, the advice of a licensed professional should be sought. Recruitment and any other human resource decisions must not be based on personality profiling (assessments) alone, whether paper profiles such as The Personality System, The Personality System DISC Questionnaire or an online assessment system, such as PeopleKeys®, DISCInsights™. These Assessments will be used as just one factor in an employment screening process and do not obviate exercising due diligence in taking up employment, character and security references, aptitude testing and validation of experience, skills and qualifications. Assessments must not be used to discriminate against employees or applicants on the basis of any legally or otherwise protected status, such as race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, disability. Goldisc Limited does not make any recommendations regarding the possible choice of candidates and accepts no liability for any appointments made, nor the misuse of Assessments.

Goldisc is an Authorised Agent for PeopleKeys/The Institute for Motivational Living, one of the largest publishers of D.I.S.C. Profiles, Courses, Resources, Reports and IML DISCInsights™, Peoplekeys®, MinistryKeys™ online personality style profiling assessments for recruiting, training and retaining employees and staff in Business and Ministry. This includes Peoplekeys® HR Training, job position benchmarks, Consultations & Team building. StudentKeys™ internet Report and paper workbook series, help students flourish in college, career and life. Careerkeys® for Teenagers and adults starting, changing and restarting careers.

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